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This series is designed to familiarise readers with mid-length to full-length novels. The novels have their own respective themes and unique storylines, with the addition of colourful illustrations, enabling readers to develop a sustained interest in reading.

sku: 9789670564258
Author: (马)赖宇欣 Lai yu xin
Publication Date: 1/5/2014
Publisher: 红蜻蜓出版有限公司
Series: Odonata Illustrated Novels 红蜻蜓绘图小说.14
Age: 10 & above

福气是个淳朴的乡下男孩,喜欢吃“肥肉肉血”,看大卫田田的魔术表演。 放假的时候,福气应邀到吉隆坡姑姑的家作客。 表弟亮亮看福气不顺眼,处处针对他,陷害他。福气懂事,不跟亮亮计较,反而一直想办法改善和亮亮的关系。 姑姑想让福气留在吉隆坡念中学,福气喜欢那所学校的环境和设备,很想留下来,可是又怕加重爸爸的负担。留在城市或者回乡下,是一个让福气头疼不已的选择题……

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