
19/05/2024 “画中人生:陈嘉庚的惊险之路” -- 导读 x 漫画人像工作坊

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19/05/2024 “画中人生:陈嘉庚的惊险之路” -- 导读 x 漫画人像工作坊

“画中人生:陈嘉庚的惊险之路” -- 导读 x 漫画人像工作坊Join us for an exciting event at the National Library where we will delve into the thrilling life of Tan Kah Kee through a guided reading followed by a workshop on drawing cartoon portraits. Discover the adventures and challenges faced by this prominent figure in Singapore's history and unleash your creativity in the caricature workshop. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to learn and have fun for the young & old!Please bring pencils and erasers. Papers will be provided.This event is organised in conjunction with World Book Day 2024. Registration:

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12/05/2024 Chinese Storytelling《蛀牙王子》by Dr. Alan Chan

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12/05/2024 Chinese Storytelling《蛀牙王子》by Dr. Alan Chan

小王子爱吃糖但又不爱刷牙,结果蛀牙了!要怎么做,才能改善蛀牙呢?来听看牙医 Doctor Chan 教你如何培养正确的刷牙习惯,让你拥有健康的牙齿!  What happens when little prince eats too much sweets and does not brush his teeth? Learn proper oral hygiene and brushing techniques with Dr. Alan Chan! 报名链接:

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28/04/2024 儿童故事会:《三只小猪的真实故事》

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28/04/2024 儿童故事会:《三只小猪的真实故事》

儿童故事会《三只小猪的真实故事》 Maha Yu Yi and Xingzhi Learning Centre have partnered to organize a free children's book club in an effort to encourage and promote the reading of Chinese books. Reading sessions will be held regularly, led by voluntary educators and parents. Come join us and support the event by sharing it with your family and friends! Let’s spread the joy of reading!为推广亲子阅读及培养儿童的阅读习惯,友谊书斋和行知文教中心将共同举办免费的的儿童故事会,并由教育工作者和家长义务担任导读。欢迎家长和孩子们积极报名参加,共同推广亲子阅读。也请大家支持并分享此活动,让更多人共享阅读的乐趣!Please note that photos and/or videos of this programme and its participants may be taken. By registering for this event, you agree that Maha Yu Yi may take photographs and/or videos of you (or your child as applicable) and use...

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16/04/2024 Chinese Storytelling 《如果不吃青菜》

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16/04/2024 Chinese Storytelling 《如果不吃青菜》

Mingyi is a child who loves eating meat. Every meal, he always picks out the vegetables. In order to make Mingyi like vegetables, his mother made a small agreement with him. In the end, Mingyi voluntarily proposed to eat vegetables, establishing good eating habits. What kind of agreement did Mingyi make with his mother?Stay tuned for interactive activities after the storytelling session!明一是一位爱吃肉的小孩儿,每次吃饭总是把青菜挑出来。妈妈为了让明一喜欢上青菜,与明一做了一个小小的约定。最终,明一主动提出了吃青菜的要求,建立了良好的饮食习惯。妈妈跟明一做了一个怎么样的约定呢? 这是由一群热爱绘本的大学生所主持的儿童讲故事活动。 RECOMMENDED FOR 4-9 YEARS OLD 报名链接:

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16/04/2024 Chinese Storytelling 《神奇种子店》

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16/04/2024 Chinese Storytelling 《神奇种子店》

Welcome to the Super Magical Seed Shop, where there are all kinds of seeds, each with different magical abilities. Everyone is welcome to come and try planting them!Stay tuned for interactive activities after the storytelling session!欢迎光临超神奇种子铺,里面有各式各样的种子,每颗种子都有不同的神奇功能,欢迎大家来种种看!听了故事还有有趣的活动哦! 这是由一群热爱绘本的大学生所主持的儿童讲故事活动。 RECOMMENDED FOR 4-9 YEARS OLD 报名链接:

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